
Collaborative Web

cooperar para competir, indor, paisaje cooperacionIt’s a service based on the simple, cheap, and powerful tools of Web 2.0 to assist PYME’S in breaking away from traditional management and look to COLABORATE by way of COMPETING on the global market.

To use these tools you’re not required to have any special technical knowledge, they reduce transaction costs, ease long-distance teamwork, communication and exchange capacity. Finally, as previously outlined, they are cheap and easy to use.

Of course, they are supporting tools, how they are managed depends on the actions of the user. Once these tools are employed it’s important to learn to share and develop aspects that may be of common

If we don’t take on board this change and innovation we cannot reap the benefits of Web 2.0 and therefore won’t allow ourselves to improve productivity and keep up with our rivals. It’s no longer sufficient to rely on improvements of the traditional management model.

We have gone from managing in times of plenty to managing with limited resources. However, a world of opportunities is within our grasp if we can be innovative in our organization and become established on the global market

This is where INDOR come in, we work alongside the business on two levels:

Firstly, we, together with the management team, draw up the LANDSCAPE OF COOPERATIVE RELATIONS of the business once the strategic business objectives have been defined; already identified
collaborative relationships may contribute to these objectives. At the end of this process we are left with a graphic, similar to that which can be seen on this page, where businesses and organisations are represented in a competitive environment (business and sector) and macro-environment. However, our main wish is to develop an alternative, strategic, growth strategy that requires fewer resources, therefore making the business more competitive.

Secondly, while this is taking place we apply the collaborative tools of Web 2.0 to the LANDSCAPE OF COOPERATIVE RELATIONS. From here the most adequate are chosen in terms of characteristics and functionality. Naturally these tools are used depending on the nature of the collaboration we require or are able to carry out.

La cooperación requiere empezar por un proceso de colaboración para aprender a compartir, desarrollar intereses comunes y generar confianza y respeto. Con el tiempo, aprendiendo a cooperar haciendo, se podrá profundizar con alguna empresa y organización del PAISAJE, pues la cooperación supone compartir intereses a largo plazo y por lo tanto tener una plena confianza. Ahora bien, tanto la colaboración versus cooperación como la internacionalización son objetivos ineludibles en la nueva “era” para que la Pyme pueda competir en el mercado global y alejarse de la poco competitiva gestión tradicional