
Digital Marketing

If SRATEGY was important before then now it’s essential. It should be based on INTERNATIONALISATION and SOCIAL MEDIA to innovate in management. That’s what we are good at, at INDOR
In the context of Golbalisation and internationalization of the PYME digital marketing holds particular relevance to market approach.
The smaller your business, the more you will benefit from using Web 2.0 tools. They are easy to use and low cost. They will enable you to focus on content in order to produce good marketing, aimed at the correct target audience and at unbelievable price.
Russell L. Ackoff said to us that, “businesses have to create mechanisms for communication with their client.” Putting it in today’s context, there is evolution from the operations and processes to the people that use the Internet.
Digital marketing dominates because of the simplicity of which social media tools can be used. This simplicity of use within reach of any PYME coupled with its low cost, the ability to carry out more focused business operations and the ease in which operations and their impact can be measured, turn Digital Marketing into an essential tool that adds more weight to traditional marketing.
So the new stage is set and we have to manage in the current climate: lack of resources, economic crisis, fierce competition, globalization, sustainability, emerging countries, etc. However, at the same time on a European front, a world of opportunities is opening up for the PYME to grasp and this can be achieved if the simple yet powerful Web 2.0 tools are incorporated into their corporate strategy.